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Use Ansible Tower API
·349 words·2 mins
netdevops blog python ansible tower api
Here are some code examples to use the Ansible Tower API from python scripts.
Interaction with REST API <-> Ansible playbook
·473 words·3 mins
netdevops blog ansible api
This is a short example how you interact from an ansible playbook with a rest api.


APIFlask Webhook Listener for Netbox
·258 words·2 mins
netdevops blog netbox python api apiflask
This little code snippet is the base of my Netbox Webhook Listener written in APIFlask.
Automation: Netbox sync to CheckMK
·1055 words·5 mins
blog netbox python api check_mk
Script to sync Netbox assets to CheckMK
Check_MK: Use API on Check_MK 2.x to trigger tabula rasa for hosts
·166 words·1 min
blog python api check_mk
Sometimes if you must reinventory a huge amount of devices in Check_MK 2.