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Ansible: Parse Cisco commando ouputs with TEXTFSM

·390 words·2 mins·
netdevops blog cisco textfsm ansible
Maximilian Thoma
Maximilian Thoma
network engineer
Table of Contents

To parse outputs of commands in Ansible you can use TEXTFSM. You need to install textfsm with pip.

TEXTFSM is a template based parser for commandline outputs.

Install of the required packages
python -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible ansible-pylibssh textfsm
Example: TEXTFSM parser file inventory_cisco_ios.textfsm

There are already ready-made templates for many network manufacturers such as Cisco, I have the example here from networktocode/ntc-templates (Github), as a fork directly from me lanbugs/ntc-templates: TextFSM templates for parsing show commands of network devices (github .com) on Github.

Value NAME (.*)
Value DESCR (.*)
Value PID (([\S+]+|.*))
Value VID (.*)
Value SN ([\w+\d+]+)

  ^PID:\s+${PID}.*,.*VID:\s+${VID},.*SN:\s+${SN} -> Record
  ^PID:\s+,.*VID:\s+${VID},.*SN: -> Record
  ^PID:\s+${PID}.*,.*VID:\s+${VID},.*SN: -> Record
  ^PID:\s+,.*VID:\s+${VID},.*SN:\s+${SN} -> Record
  ^.*SN:\s+${SN} -> Record
  ^.*SN: -> Record
  # Capture time-stamp if vty line has command time-stamping turned on
Example: Ansible playbook collect_inventory.yml

The module ansible.utils.cli_parse is used and as a parser ansible.utils.textfsm. The textfsm file that can parse the output is specified as template_path.

- name: Collect invenory of device
  hosts: testswitch
  gather_facts: False

    ansible_connection: network_cli
    ansible_network_os: ios

  connection: network_cli
    - name: Collect inventory
        command: show inventory
          name: ansible.utils.textfsm
          template_path: inventory_cisco_ios.textfsm
      register: inv

    - name: Debug
        msg: "{{ inv }}"

##### Example: inventory.ini
testswitch ansible_host= ansible_user=cisco ansible_ssh_pass=cisco
##### Output
(venv) lab@labhost:~$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini collect_inventory.yml                                                 

PLAY [Collect invenory of device] ********************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gather invenory] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [testswitch]

TASK [Debug] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [testswitch] => {
    "msg": {
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false,
        "parsed": [
                "DESCR": "WS-C3560CG-8PC-S",
                "NAME": "1",
                "PID": "WS-C3560CG-8PC-S",
                "SN": "FOC1234A0ZZ",
                "VID": "V03  "
        "stdout": "NAME: \"1\", DESCR: \"WS-C3560CG-8PC-S\"\nPID: WS-C3560CG-8PC-S  , VID: V03  , SN: FOC1234A0ZZ",
        "stdout_lines": [
            "NAME: \"1\", DESCR: \"WS-C3560CG-8PC-S\"",
            "PID: WS-C3560CG-8PC-S  , VID: V03  , SN: FOC1234A0ZZ"

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************
testswitch             : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

In inv.parsed is now a list of dictionaries with the parsed data. In inv.stdout_lines are the originals of the return.

Now you could e.g. write that in a CSV file, here is an addition for the playbook:

    - name: Add to report
        insertafter: EOF
        dest: inv_report.txt
        line: "'{{ inventory_hostname }}','{{ item.NAME|default('no name') }}','{{ item.DESCR|default('no descr') }}','{{ item.PID|default('no pid') }}','{{ item.SN|default('no sn') }}','{{ item.VID|default('no vid') }}'"
      with_list: "{{ inv.parsed }}"
      when: inv.failed is false
      delegate_to: localhost


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